When The Phenomenal World Gets A Little Bit Too Much, A Bit Of Poetry Helps

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Poetry, for me, is a great medicine for the soul. When I'm emotional over something or that when there are questions in life that can't be answered in the way of rational or logical thinking, I dive heart-first into poetry.

Words can be therapeutic and that is one of the most delicious effects that I get from reading or listening to silence-inducing-heart-and-soul-massaging poetry. Just a few days back, my dear friend Ryhen Satch shared a link to this very insightful channel on Youtube called "Thinking Allowed" It was there that I chanced upon this amazing poet named David Whyte. You can read his full biography on his website, if you like.

At first I thought of sharing his poem straight up on my blog, as per usual, you see. But I realized that I may need to get a written permission which will cost me some money which I would have gladly given away just to show my appreciation, but hey, I'm a bit dry financially now (and every other day).. So I can't do that except to share some short lines I picked up from his poems and other works.

We shape our self
to fit this world

and by the world
are shaped again

from The House of Belonging
©1996 Many Rivers Press

"Some things cannot be spoken or discovered until we have been stuck, incapacitated, or blown off course for awhile. Plain sailing is pleasant, buy you are not going to explore many unknown realms that way."

"The practice of radical simplification, however, might not mean living in a desire-less, enlightened state, but simply catching our desires as close to the centre of our experience as possible." A Fire Inside: Thoughts on the Creativity of Winter

"Little wonder then that if we prefer the appearance of stability or clear unobstructed vision we will manufacture fake narratives to replace the complexity, changeability and raw beauty of real ones, especially if the stories we always wanted to be true seem to shimmer and disappear." The Poetic Narrative of Our Times

This is the temple of my adult aloneness
and I belong to that aloneness
as I belong to my life

from The House of Belonging
©1996 Many Rivers Press

As I was busy soaking up all of the heart-warming insights and horizon-stretching wisdom from David Whyte's works scattered all over the Net, I found yet another marvelous poem by Mary Oliver titled "Wild Geese" from Dream Work. And since there's no fuss in the permission-granting department, I've managed to get a bit creative with the background design. The powerful influence that may be triggered from reading her poem, are all of Mary Oliver's lovely poetic talent, obviously.


Did you notice that my blog's fantastically purple these past few days? I will be changing the colors every now and then as my mood sees fit. I'm feeling color-crazy these days that I'm practically on PhotoShop every other day playing with them hues, color balance, curves etc. like a possessed animal.

Tervitades! (Wishing you health, in Estonian tongue)

Image Credit:
The Painting By Flo Dickerson
The Visual Art For Mary Oliver's Poem, By Old Me

shanaz@RS | 1:57 AM | Labels:

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