How I wear a paisley bandana crop top
Thursday, December 2, 2021
The time I felt edgy in a bandana crop top and red knit skirt.
Heyya peeps, how are ya?
I've been thinking about vulnerability. What it means to be in that state. To be open to express that we are imperfect. To realize that sometimes we are very fallible. Imperfect. And that it is alright. It's okay to NOT know the answer to many things. Not knowing makes us crack open. To befriend the parts of us within that are afraid, insecure, anxious and all that. I am a generally anxious person but of late, I've accepted this aspect of myself. I understand the operating system I've been given and that I do not dismiss myself for having certain emotions and feelings. Yes, they are ephemeral. Yes, they pass. But I learn to root out the very base trigger and keep myself accompanied throughout the process. I learn to be present as I am the witness and experiencer of my life.
I do not know much.
I know that sometimes insights come without my searching frantically for them and for that, I am thankful. Being vulnerable opens me up into the flow of intelligence from the Universe. I am back to doing a lot of walking since the sun decided to come out of the giant curtain of clouds courtesy of some kind of monsoon.
Today's been quite productive. And I am about to eat. I love eating. Don't we all?
So, I shall pause here now to show you some pictures because this is an OOTD post. The top was chosen by mom for me as she thought it looked cute. I agreed with her! The skirt was from 2016 from a local boutique here. It's soft and nice. I love the shade of red. Autumnal.
Got some large hoops to go with the look for some 90s vibes. My hair was freshly cut by my own hand after YouTube barbering school. I hacked at my hair quite a bit but now the mane is back to being thick. Thank goats. I have also stopped messing with my white Santa Claus hair and letting them grow. I think I have about 100 of them! Woohoo. Wisdom level unlocked. This grandma is feeling extra aged. Like cheese.
Till the next one, keep yourself moving if you have a body. Read something. Sing. Dance. Be merry. December's here. Tis' a jolly month. Spread some cheer! Or take a nap.
I will go now. I have nothing else to say. Except that I keep typing. See you in the one :)