I go walking on a gloomy evening to inhale the breeze

Friday, July 21, 2023

I go walking on a gloomy evening to inhale the breeze

The time I decide to walk on a gloomy evening and share some thoughts about walking on a cloudy, drizzly day.

Sometimes, the weather turns around and decides to get all morose and dark when it's supposed to be sunny in that tropical way with bouts of crazy humidity. Then, there's my evening walk that I am inclined to go for because it's refreshing and I love to be in the arm's of nature's quiet. Today's the kind of day to gaze into faraway spaces in a daze because I'm feeling quite under the weather. The cold triggers a little case of temporary runny nose that actually goes away after a delicious Indian food sesh. The masala tea only aids further in feeling better.

Let me tell you about gloomy evening walks. At first glance, it may be uninspiring. But hey, it's all about perspective, isn't it? (FYI; The pictures might not show gloominess because I'm using a new phone and I'm comparing the day's weather to a very blinding and sizzling hot average tropical Malaysian day.)

It's a chance to make full use of an umbrella. A chance to whip it out in the air, see it spring into life but alas, I decide to walk without the loyal accompaniment of such a useful gadget. I use it all the time when the weather's hot but on this day, the umbrella rests in the car while I brisk walk with cheeks ready to be kissed by the smallest droplets of rain. 

Wearing: retro brown sunnies / polymer clay stud earrings / vintage 80s graphic tee / sports waist belt /diy cropped pants / running shoes

It's been raining for over a week and I am about done with the whole gloom and doom vibes that color the days. Gloomy days ask for a different kind of walk. One walks faster as though running away from some imaginary monster because it's cold and there's no point in a lazy stroll because if the rain decides to pours, it will be a waste. 

So, I walk at a speed that's purposefully brisk to take the opportunity to log in some steps, get my heart to beat merrily up. With the clouds spreading their weight around to completely disguise that ancient giant ball of sun, it's easy to feel wound down if one's prone to weather-induced melancholy but a hot cuppa coffee(of your favorite beverage) with a crumbly butter cookie can totally turn it all around. 

Now, there's that folks. That's how I approach walking on a gloomy evening. It's different but it's actually marvelous too as the scents of nature at this time of the year feel particularly magical. A mix of earthy wild foliage and decaying botanical matter. Sent straight into my nostrils by a cooling breeze as a surprise amidst the weight of humidity.

As always, a gif that's keep giving (hehe!):


shanaz@RS | 1:28 AM | Labels:

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