Goss Make Up Artist: My Favourite Make Up Guru
Monday, June 8, 2009
He does make-up (for males and females) tutorials on Youtube.
He is a 6 footer guy, with blonde hair, green eyes and a killer smile.
He winks a couple of times before ending every makeup clip he does. Everytime he does that, I smile. I bet every subcriber does. We all melt and keep coming back for more.
He is a 6 footer guy, with blonde hair, green eyes and a killer smile.
He winks a couple of times before ending every makeup clip he does. Everytime he does that, I smile. I bet every subcriber does. We all melt and keep coming back for more.
He has a gentle way of saying please at every end of a make-up instruction like " The other eye please" which is very extremely polite and uniquely sweet.
His videos are great for being very informative and entertaining (plus you get to drool over a cute guy). He takes the time to explain why a certain way of make-up application is much better than the other. Why this brush is more desirable than the next. What make up suits an oily or dry face. He even talks about personal and professional tips for various skin types (Asian, White or Black).
He is none other than the wonderful and lovely (his favorite word to use) gossmakeupartist!
There is an interview of this very talented make up artist available at Skin Care For Men blog.
Switch on to his channel on youtube and get ready to be drawn in by his gentle soothing voice and a genuine personality that will take you on a journey about the world of make-up.

"I'm a makeup artist with a difference. I believe a good makeup artist is someone that will not only make you look good but will teach YOU how to look good everyday. Its great to have the knowledge but unless you share it is wasted. My goal is to let everyone know that they can look great - greater and all it takes is a little practice, some knowledge and the right mind set." -Wayne (gossmakeupartist)
11:28 PM
beauty blab