If You Can't Stop, At Least Smile As You Go By
Friday, December 2, 2011Rushing to and fro like ravenous mice, going from one task to the next, we are so pumped up on adrenaline. Even when we rest, we are acting in our mental realms and as we rise to act, our bodies seem to go through the motions. Impressed memories of routine actions and habits make us appear alive. Why would we not be?
We still breathe and take daily showers. Our oral hygiene is near perfect. What's to complain. Oh yeah, we feel like zombies, some days or nights. But there are debts to pay and money will not grow on trees though trees make papers that make money. We are worn out and down, but no worries, we're cool.
Some of us experience burn-outs without realizing we are, plainly because our bodies are still functioning, working at something, solving and creating, processing and generally up to something. I had a friend who was such a workaholic that the only days I'd find her at home were the days her body was completely run down that she'd fallen sick with fever. She took days off to recuperate only to put her feet back on the human equivalent of hamster's wheel. Weee!
But then again, it could be due to a certain personality attribute. She once told me that when she was busy with work, her mind would cease thinking of crazy things and that, it was a much needed reprieve. When we were younger, it was a mad world out in between our ears. It'd be a hoot if we could someday reminisce. I wonder if she'd caught the break she was searching for.
Though we are currently not in contact, thoughts of her touch the shores of my mind sometimes. In dreams and the occasional reveries.
Her story aside, are you always on the go that you've started to dream of flying out of control or getting thrown out of elevators and helicopters? If you don't remember your dreams, it's alright. I'm wondering if you feel as though you're flirting with total physical and mental exhaustion. If you do, here's a song for you to listen and unwind.
It's by the talented Zee Avi, with her lovely song titled 'The Book of Morris Johnson'.
The lyrics:
The turtle moves slowly and is happy with his pace of life,
The flamingo walks with elegant grace -- she knows she's one of a kind.
If you can't stop, at least smile as you go by,
If you can't stop, at least smile as you go by,
Sometimes, you just gotta know how to feel..
The happy crab danced on the beach to a calypso beat,
The happy marlin jumps for the pure joy of being alive.
If you can't stop, at least smile as you go by,
If you can't stop, at least smile as you go by,
Sometimes, you just gotta know how to feel..
The gator grinned as he dreamed of his next meal,
Every good fisherman has a pelican watching over him .
If you can't stop, at least smile as you go by,
If you can't stop, at least smile as you go by,
Sometimes, you just gotta know how to feel..
Image Credit:
Girl In Hammock
2:29 AM
music and movie blab