Fancy Rainy Day Boots I Need To Get Pronto
Friday, November 21, 2014
Image byJürgen
"The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground." - Buddha
The rainy days make my feet cold. It's such a trivial fact that do not need a mention but there it goes. Another trivial thing to mention: In the car, I loathe it when the aircon is set so that it directs cold air on both the feet and body/face area. Who in the right mind would set it this way unless it's hot and humid and they have wet feet, right?
Cold feet aside, I've been thinking that I should get some type of boots. Tough-looking, preferably. Covered feet on a cold day is such a vital thing when I'm out and about because exposed feet get no love, only chill, more wrinkles and extra crap.
Are you a bootie person? I mean the footwear, of course. I am very much into boots for the reason that my feet love to be covered during this gloomy rainy season. I'm sure you do too. I'd go for combat boots but I have quite thick ankles and calves that I just don't want to risk it especially when I'm ordering online.
Anyway, I've rounded up a list of a few styles of boots that I sort of fancy but I'm taking time to ponder whether to make a purchase or not. Your advice is needed, so please do spill away below.
I found these precious boots on Romwe and as you would have noticed, I love me some rivets, studs and buckles. The cross is not my cup of tea, but that should not be hard to take off IF I decide to get them, which apparently I should not because they don't carry my size. Big feet, unhappy now.
These boots from Boohoo, on the other hand, do come in my size. I am really tempted to get the buckle trim boots as they do look mighty sleek. For the rest of you who might be interested in these boot styles, you'll be psyched to know that you can:
Enjoy 25% off everything at boohoo with code FAB25. Offer valid 11/20/14 - 11/23/14. Shop now!
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4:13 AM
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