Vegetable-Hunting OOTD
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
So, folks, I'm using blogger's new interface today. It's a miracle: After a billion years, Google finally gave Blogger a new look. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Right now, it's okay, I guess. But where are the darn stats page. I know I can head over to the Analytics but I have a fondness for the old stats page on blogger.
What the heavens happened to that thing? Google? Hello?
Anyways, here's another outfit post for those who are missing out on what I wear when gathering vegetables such as potatoes, eggplants, carrots, onions, lady's fingers and Cameron's kailan (Chinese broccoli/kale) just to name a few at the market.
At this age, I've gotten totally hardcore on veg that I look forward to standing around isles with veges around me staring at them while plotting the menu that fits my fussy belly's temperament. Of course, with my mask on. Even though I would love to go mask-free when I roam near vegetables at the grocer, it really is not a good pandemic lifestyle etiquette.
Just now, somebody was coughing while looking at mangoes and already I felt like my eyeballs doing the dance when I happened to get bothered. Well, it's near that precious time of the month, so I get annoyed by others just existing.
But all in good spirits, the fellow that was coughing had a mask on and I had a mask on. Just peachy! I then moved to a different spot to look at desiccated seeds and things instead. When the coughing machine came close to where I was busy stuffing white peppercorns into a bag, my eyeballs spotted him and sent a message to the brain, or was it the other way round? Swiftly I moved to a different location because I treated the supermarket like a covid war zone, Hahah.😆
So earthlings, this was one of the many casual outfits that I found myself wearing to meet the veg. If it's full-on cotton like this with slippers, you know it was a delightfully hot day. 🌞🌞
The lesser the feeling of clothing resting on your skin, the better suited it is for running in between AC'd buildings and vehicles with the sun practically shining its good rays into the pores.
I wore a tee made in Hull, a pair of soft black and white pants made somewhere with a pin and a patchwork knit bag from ages ago I have no idea where I got it from. So that's my outfit story for today! I hope you're all taking good care of yourselves!
To end this entry, here's a Chinese quote for you:
"凡人不可貌相, 海水不可斗量。" Translation: Man cannot be judged by looks; seas cannot be measured by cup.
11:38 PM
ootd vibe