Batik skirt and silk blouse combo - How I style it
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
The time I wore a batik skirt with a silk blouse and yapped away about life in the lockdown time.
Hiya friends, it's old me again...Sorry to have kept you waiting for my latest nuggets of wisdom. I thank you all for visiting my thoughts here! You're lovely :)
That said, I'd like to report that I have been thriving in a different way this lockdown. After a few cycles of lockdown in old Malaysia, we get used to the swing of things. I've recently been an enthusiastic delivery person for my mom. Since we're only allowed to roam within 10 kilometers from where we reside, I make sure to support our local Malaysian food businesses here that we love.
So far, it's been a great experience. Nothing comes close to sitting at the shop itself with company but it's also a nice thing to be the delivery gal for food. I've no complaints. I actually look forward to it. I've been my own favorite chef, cooking things I learn from the internet, like for example frittatas. Never knew that it existed until YouTube recommended a bunch of frittata recipes my way. It's just yummy and easy to make. I make it Asian by devouring it with rice, of course. If I'm already loaded on carbs for the day, the rice is omitted.
I think it's such a versatile dish. I love omelets but I can say with confidence that nothing beats a good frittata, as it can be loaded with all sorts of veges that's cooked first before the egg mixture is introduced in the pan. I finally did a perfect flip of it last night and I'm super happy as I figured the technique to do that. My frittata has cheese because I love cheese and yesterday, I made it with shallots, potatoes and green bell pepper that turned tangerine halfway because the fridge got fried during a loud tropical thunder strike. For the egg mixture, I incorporated freshly ground black pepper, sea salt, Italian herbs, milk, a sprinkle of wheat flour. I cooked all the veges to make sure they're tender and nice before pouring in the egg mixture and then topping it up with a cheese slice, allowing it to melt into the frittata.
I'm a frittata girl because I love cooking everything in one pot/pan.
Onto the outfit for the post today, it's me wearing this old silk blouse that I have successfully ruined by chucking in the washing machine. It's got holes now. It had holes while I wore it for the picture taking but I fixed the holes with GIMP, the rebel photoshop alternative. LOL.
I hope you will enjoy the imagery:
Talking about imagery, I took the time to take in the view of the mountains in the far distance as I drove for eyeball therapy.
It was nice absorbing the greenery in the distance today and seeing familiar faces of joggers who had no choice but to use the paths within the housing areas to keep fit during the lockdown. I hope to get back to the park for my walking session soon after the lockdown is lifted. I quite miss it though I am now exercising in the form of stretching and bending repetitively while cleaning dusty and dirty corners of the house.
It's quite satisfying and the cleaning job doesn't end. Lotsa decluttering and rearranging these days and appreciating my mom's little garden that's blossoming. She's also growing her favorite snow peas while I lurk around to photograph things. We just got our owls for the garden so watch out for that if you're into owls. The cutest things ever besides our fat frog, duck and miniature cat ornaments.
Till the next one, I hope you are all well and keeping fit and sane in these strange times.
Here's a quote by Sadhguru for you to ponder:
"It's a pandemic that people think human thought is more significant than human attention. Human attention if it's keen enough, intense enough and sustained, it can open any door in the universe."