Nature gave me a wild pet rat
Friday, January 3, 2020
The time I show you my casual tee and shorts outfit combo while I absorb the energetic equatorial sun from the porch.
Hi friends! It's the new year and here's a new outfit post that has been sitting like a potato in the queue.
I've recently updated my ancient dinosaur USB card reader and have had the laptop serviced after ages too. To say that the speed of everything has improved would be an understatement! I'm looking forward to continue posting short essays and poetry for the new Meander Series (here's entry 1 and here's entry 2) that I've just recently started. Along with that, I will be sharing my OOTDs on here as that still is a hot-selling potato.
While I'm typing this, I am listening to a song I've never listened to ever in my life because well, random YouTube recommendations. It's different but it's good. If you're interested, it's called O Re Piya by Rahat Fateh Ali Khan (if you scroll to the fist comment, one fellow without prompting by anyone in particular exclaimed: I don't care! I like this song!!! I'm from Russia. - The statement made something gooey inside my heart and I had no choice but to upvote it. Songs that touch you oftentimes can transcend language. Heck, I have no comprehension of it too but Hindi is one of the many beautiful languages the world's blessed with.)
Randomly I created the paragraph below:
To my UAE readers, yo, yo, hello! I've been meaning to say hi for the longest of time after finding out that a bulk of the blog's readership come from the Emirates and I am still speechless but brimming with gratitude! And I would like to extend my gratitude to the support and love from readers that come from other various spots on Mother Earth that was enlisted in the top ten: USA, Germany, Malaysia, China, Unknown Region, United Kingdom, India, Australia and Israel.
I didn't know there exists a country by the name of Unknown Region. Nevertheless, I googled it really quick and it just blew the bubble of mystery wide open because well, it's just a technicality thing. Some wise person offered this explanation: "Geolocation is not always an easy process - and not all IP addresses lead directly to reader geographic location."
On a very light note, this was the outfit I wore while out on the porch after I left the front door. It's an old tee in yellow and shorts with high-waist that came from a pair of old slouchy jeans that fit me rather awkwardly. Okay, I grew curves in some places and shed some in others.
On a random note, after servicing my laptop, I've finally moved on from my old Photoshop and into the arms of a GNU Image Manipulation Program or better known as GIMP. So far, I'm intrigued! I've been learning new and interesting methods of photo editing there and it's really amazing.
Oh yeah and before I go, let me unravel the mystery of the blog's title.
It refers to a funny little rat that popped up one night to join my cats for dinner! Can you imagine that? Apparently, it comes to eat the leftovers my furry angels leave after their gobble. I call him/her Benny, because of that Michael Jackson's song. The heights of creativity, I know. To be a bit more technical though, my cats were the ones to have adopted the rat as even though they know of Benny's existence, they do nothing expected as a cat would at least try to hunt a mouse!
Aiden, my Siamese breed cat used to bring me fat fluffy rats to rest in peace out in the porch but have somehow retired from the rat-hunting business. Or perhaps, he's just grown mellow over time or that Benny, the curious rat has mega balls! Oh dear, I do realize that I have to stop going off on a tangent.
Anyway folks, with that said, I would like to wish each one of you a meaningful new year and that may we always be in the flow. You know, the flow? Yeah, that flow.
11:34 PM
ootd vibe