Furry jumper because it's London weather in Malaysia town

Friday, December 23, 2022

Furry jumper because it's London weather in Malaysia town

The time I wore a furry jumper with culottes.

Hiya folks, how are you? It's been pretty alright here today for me. I just did a quick garlic fried rice. It's not raining at the moment but the soil is still drenched as it's been cold and dark here in Malaysia almost daily, of course,  accompanied with the signature humidity. The cold however, called for switching up the usual tropical casual attire I have got going on into something that's heavier in terms of fabric character.

Today's outfit was such an outfit. Scratch that. It was one of the days when I had the chance to record this outfit for the blog. It's my very first furry jumper/sweater that is super soft and comfy, got it at a steal at the thrift store. The culottes, you might have seen before, if you are a regular. The melange style is giving such vibes and for a cold day, the heavy fabric is simply perfect. I carried my knit shopping tote around as it's heavy because I tend to chuck a lot of things inside. The shoes are walking shoes that fit my feet like socks. I also wore men's ankle socks to go with these shoes. Why? I speculate the socks go with my feet better as I am blessed to have a pair of large feet.

The knit tote bag is terribly soft making things get quite chaotic inside as the bag isn't compartmentalized. Instead, I do manually compartmentalize it with little bags inside to separate makeup stuff from other stuff like coins and things.

That's all for now from me. I hope you're all infected with the holiday fairy mood. In no time, 2023 shall be upon us! Make each day of this year count.

Have a wonderful Christmas celebration if you are celebrating! CHEERS!

shanaz@RS | 11:28 PM | Labels:

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